Minden ami Selena!

Ha tudod, hogy ki született 1992. július 22-én, valószínűleg tudod, ki a 'sztár' az oldalon!

Csak mondom, az I am sorry, az egy száma, nem pedig nyilatkozta, hogy sajnálom, vagy valami, hanem egy nagyon szép száma, ami az Another Cinderella Storynak az egyik zenéje a film közben, minek Selena a főszereplője! 

Kép nincs, mert filmben van jelenethez! Rosszall De nagyon jó a filmjelenethez ez a szám!Vigyor

I Won't Apologize lyrics

You had me to get her.
And here, I thought it was me.
I was changin', arrangin' my life to fit your lies.
It's all said and all done.
I gave it all for this long hopeless war
Can she say the same thing?
I guess this is good-bye and good luck.
(I can't be what you want me to be.)


I'm sorry for changing.
I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Believe me, it's easier just to pretend.
But, I won't apologize for who I am.

No, no.

Remember the time when you said you were out with your best friend.
But it wasn't the best friend that you know I thought you meant and
I used to accept it, I didn't know I could be free.
But I am, and I won't go back 'cause you so don't deserve me.
(I don't even want to be her.)


I'm sorry for changing.
I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Believe me, it's easier just to pretend.
But, I won't apologize for who I am.

I thank you for this hopeless war
Cause through the pain I know I'm stronger than before.
Now I'm more.
I don't need you anymore.
I'm sorry.
(Listen close I won't say this again.)


I'm sorry for changing.
I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Believe me, it's easier just to pretend.
But, I won't apologize for who I am.

I'm sorry for changing.
I'm sorry it isn't like it was.
Believe me, it's easier just to pretend.
But, I won't apologize, 
Why should I apologize, 
No, I won't apologize for who I am


Sajnos olyat nem találtam, de jövök ezért videókkal! 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEGL1P9Qt_k  Itt angol felirat

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7wSMKc5NmA Itt magyar felirat!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M_7TbWlQ4c Itt is magyar felirat!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAUDla6PxbM Magyar, csak a betű kicsit nem olvasható! 

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Oldal: Selena Gomez- I am sorry
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